
There are many Christian women in Myanmar who long to see their belief in Jesus bringing benefit to their churches, families and communities. Many women struggle with poverty, persecution, lack of education and health issues.

Growing Hope runs conferences designed to help these women understand more of the Bible and how God's word is integrated into all of their lives. We are seeking to help them deepen their faith, learn how to care for others with Jesus' love, understand basic health issues and positively impact all their relationships with the love of Jesus.

Many women are isolated and fellowship is a precious opportunity. It has been wonderful to see women growing in understanding and confidence and then teaching others what they have learnt at the conferences. Without financial help it would not be possible for most of these women to attend a conference.  In Australia we have such rich opportunities to meet together and attend a multitude of conferences. In Myanmar the opportunities are very few and would not be possible without the generous support of others. Please consider encouraging one of your sisters in Christ. $50 would enable a women to attend a conference including transport, accommodation and food. The Growing Hope team pay for their own airfares, accommodation, food and expenses. So your money goes to support the women attending the conferences.